E-Mail        heinz.boeni@ecopartner.ch
Based in    St. Gallen | Switzerland
Skype         heinzboeni

Engineer MSc, ETH Zürich | Switzerland
Mediator and Coach, WIFI Dornbirn | Austria

Areas of Expertise

Waste management with a focus on electrical and electronic waste, resource management, sustainability assessments, environmental performance evaluation, auditing; mediation and coaching

Countries of working experience

Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Morocco, Ghana, Senegal, Nepal, India

German, Spanish, English

Heinz started his career in waste water research at the Water Research Institute of ETH (EAWAG). He continued as project manager at the Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development at ETH and was entrusted with a site evaluation study for hazardous waste landfills in Switzerland. Working for several years with UNICEF in Nepal he acquired expertise in sanitation, water supply and waste management in developing countries. In 1992 he got appointed as branch office manager of a private engineering and consulting firm and after 6 years decided to found the engineering and consulting company Ecoparter Ltd. for which he worked for more 5 years. In 2001 he was nominated at Empa, the Material Science and Technology Institute of ETH as head of a team for international technology cooperation projects in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. His thematic focus in the last 15 years was in the area of resource efficient production and management of electronic waste with a geographical focus on Latin America and Europe. At present he leads a team of 10 employees. Between 2014 and 2018 he was trained and qualified as mediator and coach.

Heinz is head of the research group CARE Critical Materials and Resource Efficiency at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology.

…outside the office
At weekends and on holidays Heinz favours natural experiences by foot and bicycle. Being a passionate photographer, he likes exploring the environment with his camera.